Meredith is now four months old, and by tradition we had a little
The purpose is simple, which is to wish her not to drool too much as she starts learning to talk, trying new food, and growing the teeth.
The procedure is also simple. Just put around her a "necklace" that made of cookies (or bread, or donuts, haha..), and then each of us in turn take a cookie from it and say some words of wishes for her health and happiness.

In the beginning she was no idea at all of what's going on.. ^_^
She was just busy looking around and showing the look of curiosity.

Honestly the necklace had really good smell, and she found out that very soon.

A few seconds later she knew it is something yummy... haha ^_^

Look how busy she was..
She trid to stay looking at the camera but couldn't withstand the taste..

You can see so obviously the reason why she is chubbier than other same age babies.
In Chinese we say 人會胖不是沒有原因的...哈哈..